






The Future of Energy
is a revolutionary film that captures the movement across the U.S. to transition to 100% renewable energy and to bring positive solutions to the ecological crisis.



Featuring some of America’s top energy specialists and ecological visionaries, this film presents a clear path towards a new energy paradigm, and how each of us can participate in creating this exciting future.


“The Future of Energy is really about the clean energy revolution happening right now… By the final credits, you’ll know both how and why renewable energy is the cleanest, quickest, cheapest, and safest way to supply all of our energy needs.”

Michael Brune, Executive Director, Sierra Club



Bring the energy revolution to YOUR school!

Whether you’re a student ready to get your school to switch to renewables, an entrepreneur eager to invest in smart energy solutions, or a city official dedicated to leading your community into the future, our diverse Action Plan is here to help you make an impact.


